
Department of International Relations

Survey Study

Dear students,

A questionnaire study aiming to investigate "the determining factors in the preferences of the students of the department of International Relations and the formation process of their expectations and knowledge throughout their education" is conducted by Prof. Dr. Mesut Özcan (Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Diplomacy Academy & ASBU International Relations Department), Assoc. Dr. Bekir S. Gür (AYBÜ Faculty Member), Dr. By Mehmet Köse (UNRWA Regional Advisor & Former President of YTB).

The research will contribute to the International Relations education of our country today, where the number of International Relations departments has increased, the network of diplomatic representation of our country has expanded, the institutions operating in foreign policy are diversified, and civil society and private sector institutions have become international.

We expect your support to contribute to the survey study, the links of which are below:
